Prospek Jangka Panjang Saham Indonesia Hingga Tahun 2030

Hi Jim, thank you for our conversation today 🙏 I have one more thing I would like to say to you. I started to learn stock investing in Indonesia stock exchange (IDX) in 2009, and opened my first account (and bought my first stock) in February 2010. I still remember, in May 2010, the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) was still at 2,500. Three years later in May 2013, the JCI was already above 5,000. So during that time, I was in a period of 'whatever stocks you buy, you most likely make money'. In 2011, I bought stocks of a small coal mining company, and it went from Rp110 to more than Rp5,000 per share one and a half year later. Unfortunately I sold it at Rp1,500 per share, but it remains my biggest profit (in percentage) from a single stock until today. That's one of the reasons why in 2012, I decided to quit my job to be a full time investor. Also in 2012, I started to give value investing training to the public, and make some good money from it which later I put it all i...